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Talk to our advisor about your exact needs, product specifics, and team dynamics. The more we know at this step, the better the future match will be.
Based on the interview, we will shortlist TypeScript Developers best suited for your needs.
We will onboard the talent and take care of all payments, insurance, reporting, and other dull processes. There is also a 7 days money-back guarantee after the project's kick-off.
We’ve been extremely satisfied. We work with multiple partners, but they’re our main supplier because of the quality of their work.
Håkon Årøen
Co-founder & CTO of Memcare
Ideamotive has a huge pool of talent. Don’t just settle for someone: find a person who understands your project and has the competencies you need.
Julian Peterson
President, Luminate Enterprises
They understand and navigate the industry to deliver an outcome that will truly stand out. Despite a heavily saturated market, they’ve delivered creative solutions that I haven’t seen before.
Adam Casole-Buchanan
President, Rierra INC
They are very flexible, providing a team of developers on short notice and scaling the size as needed. Their team meets tight deadlines, including some that only give them a few hours to do the work.
Sylvain Bernard
Event Manager, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
JRPass: building a ticket distribution system for the Japanese railway network
Read the story of how combined our business expertise with outstanding web development, increased conversion rates, and boosted sales.
Our project manager had things taken care of and their backend developers had great technical abilities. They’ve been the best we’ve had so far!
Daniel de Nieuwe, Senior Product Manager, JRPass.com
AURA: building a mobile app with React Native for a medtech startup from London
How did our experts create a diagnostic mobile app with highly intuitive UX/UI fit for elderly patients from scratch?
The design is accessible for many users, making the project a success. Ideamotive was organized and communicative throughout the engagement. As a result, they have a strong partnership.
Silvia Novak, Head of Product at Entia Ltd
Packhelp: providing the right set of tech talent for a fast-growing startup
How we advanced the work on a new product and made it possible to meet the deadlines from investors
They provide good, steady work, and I can trust them. They’ve never failed, and we don’t have any problems with them.
Arkadiusz Wasilonek, CTO & co-founder of Packhelp
AICrowd: Taking care of a YCombinator Alumnus code
How have we improved the quality of the code, reduced technical debt and enhanced the platform security of an AI marketplace?
Release your MVP and further updates swiftly. TypeScript simplifies JavaScript code, helping your developers code and debug your web product faster.
Never again have issues with scaling your web app. TypeScript is perfect for rapid scaling and its readability allows you to onboard new developers smoothly.
Boost your web product’s performance with one of the top web development solutions. TypeScript is supported by all the major frameworks, including Angular and React.
Keep your web app performing issue-free 24/7. With TypeScript, it’s easier for developers to write code free of bugs that could cause a downturn.
Unlike some other technologies, TypeScript shouldn’t be necessarily called a completely new programming language — it’s actually “just” a superset of JavaScript. Of course, we put “just” in quotation marks for a reason. This is because TypeScript makes such significant changes to JavaScript that it revolutionizes the whole area of web (and mobile) development.
Investing in TypeScript web development and TypeScript mobile development can give a significant boost to your company in several areas…
To take advantage of all these business opportunities you will, of course, have to hire TypeScript developers. Although the technology is sometimes considered a bit more difficult to learn than classic JavaScript, more and more developers keep transitioning to TS. According to the 2020 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, nearly 30% of professional developers use TypeScript in their work. TypeScript is also the second most loved language among developers, winning with technologies like Python, Kotlin, and JavaScript itself.
This means that when you want to hire TypeScript developers, you need to be careful to avoid inexperienced devs who’ve just jumped into the world of TypeScript. How to accomplish this and only hire TypeScript developers who will truly deliver? We answer this question in our guide below.
Like any other tech job, the role of a TypeScript developer requires a specific set of technical skills to thrive in it. The most important ones are…
Don’t let yourself overlook your candidate’s soft skills during the hiring process! In many cases, soft skills might be as important as the technical stack of a developer, as they can boost the efficiency of the whole team and innovation across the company. What specific soft skills should you consider the most important for a TypeScript developer?
To make sure you hire truly professional and experience TypeScript developers, running a proper technical job interview is a must. If you do not have enough expertise in TypeScript yourself, you should consider involving another professional in the process. It’s best if you would be assisted during the interview by another TypeScript developer, a software consultant, or an IT project manager.
Wondering what questions could be asked during such an interview? We list our favorite ones below.
As TypeScript got increasingly popular in the last few years, you might end up with a few different candidates who all meet your hard and soft skills requirements. How to make the best decision for your company in such a situation? We recommend assessing the following three areas of company fit…
With professional TypeScript developers on your side, you can guarantee a great performance of both the front-end and the back-end of your web or mobile project. However, this might not be enough to bring your product to its true top. Your project might still require other experts to be included in the development process, such as web designers, UX/UI designers, an IT project manager, or a Product Owner.
Whatever role you are currently hiring for, we can help you fill it quickly. At Ideamotive, we run the industry-leading network of top IT professionals looking to take the next step in their career. Whether you want to hire TypeScript developers or other tech experts, we can match you with the ones fitting your project fast, just after we finish reviewing your unique requirements.
Get in touch with us today and assure the success of your next TypeScript project.
Execute your vision with trusted and battle-tested TypeScript developers perfectly suited to your business needs.