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Talk to our advisor about your exact needs, product specifics, and team dynamics. The more we know at this step, the better the future match will be.
Based on the interview, we will shortlist Swift Developers best suited for your needs.
We will onboard the talent and take care of all payments, insurance, reporting, and other dull processes. There is also a 7 days money-back guarantee after the project's kick-off.
They understand and navigate the industry to deliver an outcome that will truly stand out. Despite a heavily saturated market, they’ve delivered creative solutions that I haven’t seen before.
Adam Casole-Buchanan
President, Rierra INC
They are very flexible, providing a team of developers on short notice and scaling the size as needed. Their team meets tight deadlines, including some that only give them a few hours to do the work.
Sylvain Bernard
Event Manager, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
We’ve been extremely satisfied. We work with multiple partners, but they’re our main supplier because of the quality of their work.
Håkon Årøen
Co-founder & CTO of Memcare
Ideamotive has a huge pool of talent. Don’t just settle for someone: find a person who understands your project and has the competencies you need.
Julian Peterson
President, Luminate Enterprises
They understand and navigate the industry to deliver an outcome that will truly stand out. Despite a heavily saturated market, they’ve delivered creative solutions that I haven’t seen before.
Adam Casole-Buchanan
President, Rierra INC
They are very flexible, providing a team of developers on short notice and scaling the size as needed. Their team meets tight deadlines, including some that only give them a few hours to do the work.
Sylvain Bernard
Event Manager, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
We’ve been extremely satisfied. We work with multiple partners, but they’re our main supplier because of the quality of their work.
Håkon Årøen
Co-founder & CTO of Memcare
Ideamotive has a huge pool of talent. Don’t just settle for someone: find a person who understands your project and has the competencies you need.
Julian Peterson
President, Luminate Enterprises
AURA: building a mobile app for a MedTech startup from London
How did our experts create a diagnostic mobile app with highly intuitive UX/UI fit for elderly patients from scratch?
The design is accessible for many users, making the project a success. Ideamotive was organized and communicative throughout the engagement. As a result, they have a strong partnership.
Silvia Novak, Head of Product at Entia Ltd
LUMA: building a cross-platform mobile app for the visualization of blood results
How we created a diagnostic mobile app for scanning blood test results with QR codes from IoT medical devices with visualization of results and data management
They’re really good. They’re super responsive, which I really love. The communication was always great and it was super easy to understand them from a project perspective and to be able to share what we wanted.
Alexandra Ponomarenko, Product Manager, Luma
Nielsen: supporting corporate communication with a mobile app
Developing an app allowing to manage social interactions and document distribution between multiple international teams within the global corporation.
FITNETE: creating designs, user flow and animations for a fitness mobile app
How we created over 200+ animations in 6 weeks and developed an outstanding UX design and user flow.
They understand and navigate the industry to deliver a design that will truly stand out. Despite a heavily saturated market, they’ve delivered creative solutions that I haven’t seen before.
Adam Casole-Buchanan, President, Rierra INC
Get the most out of the iOS devices using a technology that has been designed for them. Swift has been developed by Apple specifically to be used with Apple mobile hardware and is continuously supported by the company.
Build an app that runs faster than if built with any other technology than Swift. The Apple-supported language is up to 2.6x faster than Objective-C and up to 8.4x times faster than Python 2.7, making it the best option for iOS app development.
Avoid bugs and other issues that ruin the user’s experience with your product. Swift’s syntax is strict, making it harder for developers to introduce common coding mistakes and improving the code’s readability.
Create best-performing software for all Apple devices, including Macs, iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches. Swift supports all of them, offering first-class, Apple-supported environment for software development.
Swift is not only a programming language recommended by Apple but also the most popular (and preferred by developers) way to build iOS mobile apps.
According to the 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey (based on responses from around 90k developers), Swift surpasses in popularity other mobile-focused technologies like Objective-C (another language often used for building iOS apps) and Kotlin (Google-recommended language for Android apps).
What’s more, in the same survey Swift ranked 6th on the list of most loved programming languages. Developers love its clean and modern syntax and the fact that it provides the best performance when it comes to technologies used for iOS development.
The popularity of Swift is also fuelled by the still growing popularity of mobiles themselves. Approximately 50% of internet traffic is coming from mobile devices and many businesses try to make the most out of it by building apps for smartphones and tablets.
How can you make your app successful in the crowd of millions of others? First off, start by hiring an experienced Swift developer. But how to find one? How to assess which Swift developers are good and which ones are not up to the challenge? Read our guide to learn all the ins and outs of hiring Swift developers.
It takes years of study and practice to become a great developer. In terms of Swift development, the skills needed to truly thrive and build amazing apps are quite specific, allowing you to easily assess what you need to look for in your candidates.
To make the process easier for you, we list all the most important hard skills a good Swift developer should have below.
Soft skills are as important part of a Swift developer skillset as the hard, technical skills. They don’t only affect the efficiency of the developer’s work but also influence the innovation and effectiveness of the rest of the team and company.
What soft skills should you be specifically looking for when you want to hire a Swift app developer?
To properly assess the skills of your Swift developers candidates, we recommend running a technical job interview with them. If you don’t have the required knowledge about Swift yourself, you can ask for help from another dev with iOS development experience, a software consultant, or an IT project manager.
To give you an idea of how such an interview can look like, we’ve listed below some of our favorite questions that a Swift developer can be asked.
To make the work of your whole team even more efficient, you should try to find Swift developers that truly match your business. What should be considered when looking for the best fitting candidate?
Swift developers are a great addition to your team but you should not forget about other people that make a mobile app great. You can make your product more attractive by hiring experienced app designers or UX/UI designers, create a vision behind it with the help of creative product owner, and use data to really understand the needs of your customers with help from data scientists. And if you want to launch your app also on Android, Kotlin developers or Java developers will also come in handy.
How to get all these professionals to join your team fast? With our help.
At Ideamotive, we run an industry-leading network of top IT talents looking to take the next step in their careers. We keep in touch with only the best of the best and connect you with specific professionals based on your company’s exact needs as well as industry and product fit.
Contact us and start growing your future awards-winning team.
Execute your vision with trusted and battle-tested Swift developers perfectly suited to your business needs.