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Talk to our advisor about your exact needs, product specifics, and team dynamics. The more we know at this step, the better the future match will be.
Based on the interview, we will shortlist PHP Developers best suited for your needs.
We will onboard the talent and take care of all payments, insurance, reporting, and other dull processes. There is also a 7 days money-back guarantee after the project's kick-off.
They understand and navigate the industry to deliver an outcome that will truly stand out. Despite a heavily saturated market, they’ve delivered creative solutions that I haven’t seen before.
Adam Casole-Buchanan
President, Rierra INC
They are very flexible, providing a team of developers on short notice and scaling the size as needed. Their team meets tight deadlines, including some that only give them a few hours to do the work.
Sylvain Bernard
Event Manager, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
We’ve been extremely satisfied. We work with multiple partners, but they’re our main supplier because of the quality of their work.
Håkon Årøen
Co-founder & CTO of Memcare
Ideamotive has a huge pool of talent. Don’t just settle for someone: find a person who understands your project and has the competencies you need.
Julian Peterson
President, Luminate Enterprises
They understand and navigate the industry to deliver an outcome that will truly stand out. Despite a heavily saturated market, they’ve delivered creative solutions that I haven’t seen before.
Adam Casole-Buchanan
President, Rierra INC
They are very flexible, providing a team of developers on short notice and scaling the size as needed. Their team meets tight deadlines, including some that only give them a few hours to do the work.
Sylvain Bernard
Event Manager, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
We’ve been extremely satisfied. We work with multiple partners, but they’re our main supplier because of the quality of their work.
Håkon Årøen
Co-founder & CTO of Memcare
Ideamotive has a huge pool of talent. Don’t just settle for someone: find a person who understands your project and has the competencies you need.
Julian Peterson
President, Luminate Enterprises
JRPass: building a ticket distribution system for the Japanese railway network
Read the story of how combined our business expertise with outstanding web development, increased conversion rates, and boosted sales.
Our project manager had things taken care of and their backend developers had great technical abilities. They’ve been the best we’ve had so far!
Daniel de Nieuwe, Senior Product Manager, JRPass.com
TRAVELDUCK: building a marketplace for boutique adventure trips and activities
How we created a fully functional digital marketplace from scratch and helped the Client validate the business model for scaling up.
They took a very progressive approach to our needs!
Peter Grabo, Founder of TravelDuck
AICrowd: Taking care of a YCombinator Alumnus code
How have we improved the quality of the code, reduced technical debt and enhanced the platform security of an AI marketplace?
Packhelp: providing the right set of tech talent for a fast-growing startup
How we advanced the work on a new product and made it possible to meet the deadlines from investors
They provide good, steady work, and I can trust them. They’ve never failed, and we don’t have any problems with them.
Arkadiusz Wasilonek, CTO & co-founder of Packhelp
Build your next web project with the help of most renowned content management systems. PHP is supported by top CMS solutions, including WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
Optimize costs by investing in PHP. The programming language and all popular tools for it are available free-of-charge, making it a great choice for projects with a limited budget.
Make sure you deliver the best experience to your users. PHP is one of the most popular programming languages used for developing the server-side of a web app.
Pick a technology created strictly for developing amazing web products. All PHP’s great features are focused on web development, so you can rest assured you’ll get results that meet all the standards.
PHP is one of the most mature web technologies, but surely not a forgotten one. The language is still one of the most popular choices for back-end development — according to the Stack Overflow 2020 Developer Survey, approximately 26% of professional developers use the language in their work. Laravel, the most popular PHP framework, is used by more than 11% of professional developers — more than, for example, another popular back-end framework, Ruby on Rails.
The continued popularity of PHP is fuelled by multiple factors, including an enormous community of professionals with years and years of experience. Many developers and companies choose PHP also because it’s the main server-side language of WordPress, one of the most widely used content management systems in the world. Other recognizable CMSes, like Joomla, Drupal, or Magento, also prioritize PHP for their back-end.
Because of this enormous popularity of PHP, when you decide to hire PHP developers, you should be prepared to receive resumes from candidates who might not necessarily be up to the challenge. To make sure you hire a PHP programmer who can truly deliver on your project, you should carefully review each candidacy by taking into consideration hard and soft skills as well as the company fit.
How to proceed with such a reliable assessment? Read our guide below and hire PHP developers who won’t disappoint you!
Without the right set of hard skills, a PHP developer won’t be able to handle all the tasks you have prepared for them. What you should especially review when you want to hire PHP programmers?
The quality of your PHP developer’s work is partly based on how well they can communicate with other people working on the project, especially front-end developers. That is why, in order to make sure you hire PHP web developers who can deliver results fast, you should also assess their set of soft skills.
What you should be exactly looking for?
Running a technical interview is your best bet when you want to hire PHP developers who will truly deliver. Such an interview should be run by someone who understands the PHP well, so if you don’t feel confident enough with this language, consider asking an expert to assist you. This could be another PHP developer, a software consultant, or an IT project manager. Such experts will be able to check the knowledge of your candidates well and ask questions according to your project’s requirements.
To give you an idea of what questions could be included in a PHP developer job interview, we list some of the most commonly asked ones below.
While having the right skill set is crucial for a PHP developer, their experience and way of working shouldn’t be overseen as well. That’s why, when you want to hire PHP developers, we recommend you carefully review the three areas of company fit.
PHP developers can help you build and maintain the server-side of your web app so it performs great — but just amazing back-end is rarely enough to make a product successful. You will still need to perfect everything that the client sees. This can be done with the help of web designers, UX/UI designers, and front-end developers. Experts like IT project managers, Product Owners, and Scrum Masters might also come useful.
How to hire all these professionals fast? Make use of Ideamotive’s industry-leading IT talent network. Our experts can swiftly connect you with perfectly matched experts from various fields, from data and AI to IT management to full-scale development.
Get in touch with us today and build a team that will deliver a top-class web product.
PHP is the favorite choice of many website builders because it is easy to use. Unlike other traditional programming languages, PHP is easy to understand and well organized. No learning materials or catalog are required to study. Even a beginner can easily understand PHP command functions. In addition, coding in PHP is not difficult because it is similar to the C language. So people who know C can easily code PHP.
CodeIgniter. Developers like this approach because it allows them to build highly scalable web applications at a lower cost. If you're new to PHP frameworks, CodeIgniter can be a great choice because it's fairly easy to learn and get started with.
In 2020, there were 6.1 million PHP developers as per The Register.
Even if you are new to PHP programming, you will have no problem finding a job. What's more, 77 million websites are powered by PHP, so the job offers where companies are looking for experienced PHP coders are always around.
Execute your vision with trusted and battle-tested PHP developers perfectly suited to your business needs.