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Talk to our advisor about your exact needs, product specifics, and team dynamics. The more we know at this step, the better the future match will be.
Based on the interview, we will shortlist Django Developers best suited for your needs.
We will onboard the talent and take care of all payments, insurance, reporting, and other dull processes. There is also a 7 days money-back guarantee after the project's kick-off.
We’ve been extremely satisfied. We work with multiple partners, but they’re our main supplier because of the quality of their work.
Håkon Årøen
Co-founder & CTO of Memcare
Ideamotive has a huge pool of talent. Don’t just settle for someone: find a person who understands your project and has the competencies you need.
Julian Peterson
President, Luminate Enterprises
They understand and navigate the industry to deliver an outcome that will truly stand out. Despite a heavily saturated market, they’ve delivered creative solutions that I haven’t seen before.
Adam Casole-Buchanan
President, Rierra INC
They are very flexible, providing a team of developers on short notice and scaling the size as needed. Their team meets tight deadlines, including some that only give them a few hours to do the work.
Sylvain Bernard
Event Manager, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
TRAVELDUCK: building a marketplace for boutique adventure trips and activities
How we created a fully functional digital marketplace from scratch and helped the Client validate the business model for scaling up.
They took a very progressive approach to our needs!
Peter Grabo, Founder of TravelDuck
JRPass: optimizing a booking system for the Japanese railway network
Read the story of how combined our business expertise with outstanding web development, increased conversion rates, and boosted sales.
Our project manager had things taken care of and their backend developers had great technical abilities. They’ve been the best we’ve had so far!
Daniel de Nieuwe, Senior Product Manager, JRPass.com
AICrowd: Taking care of a YCombinator Alumnus code
How have we improved the quality of the code, reduced technical debt and enhanced the platform security of an AI marketplace?
AMLD: Building an event app for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
"Applied Machine Learning Days" is one of the largest ML & AI events in Europe, Learn, how we helped to make it happen.
They are very flexible, providing a team of developers on short notice and scaling the size as needed. Their team meets tight deadlines, including some that only give them a few hours to do the work.
Sylvain Bernard, event manager at EPFL
Make your database-heavy web app perform well despite tons of data. Thanks to the combination of Python and the Django framework, your Django developer can build complicated web apps without worrying about slow loading times.
Get above your competitors on all the popular search engines. Python is one of the best solutions for maintaining top-quality technical SEO due to its human-readable code, and thanks to Django this advantage can be leveraged for web projects.
Make sure the data generated by you and your customers is well secured. The Django framework includes some great security features, such as XSS protection, that help Django developers make your next web app safe from intrusion.
Empower your web project with the possibilities of machine learning. Thanks to the use of Python, one of the best programming languages for machine learning and AI development, you can introduce automation to your web project.
Django is the go-to technology for most Python web developers. As of the 19th of April 2020, the Github repo of the framework has nearly 2000 contributors, over 28k commits, and nearly 50k stars. The Django community on the official website of the framework consists of 14k people from 172 countries who worked on over 4k packages and projects.
The 2019 edition of the Stack Overflow Developers Survey also proved the dominance of Django on the Python web development front. The report is based on questionaries filed by 90k devs from all over the world, so it gives a pretty good idea of what the actual numbers are. According to the survey, Django is the 8th most popular web framework, behind only the technologies linked to JavaScript and Java. 13% of developers are said to use Django and 62,1% of the users love this technology.
With such a large and growing community of Django users, you might have a hard time finding true experts among the pool of beginners. So how to narrow the search as much as possible and hire Django developers that will really fit your company and the project you want them to work on? Learn about all the most important tips in our Django developers hiring guide below.
At the beginning of the hiring process, you will have to assess whether your candidate actually possesses the technical skills required for the role. What hard skills should you specifically look for when you want to hire Django developers?
Another thing to consider when you want to hire Django developers are their soft skills. These will influence how well the devs can cooperate within a team. As a back-end-focused coder, Django developers often have to closely work with their front-end peers. But good communication with people from other teams is even trickier — they are often not that tech-savvy and require additional explanation on all the complex things that a Django developer is working on.
Some soft skills that especially help in improving teamwork within a company are listed below.
When you have a candidate that meets all the hard skills and soft skill criteria relevant for your company, it’s time to run an interview with them. The technical part of it should be conducted by a Django expert — if you don’t feel like one yourself, you should consider asking for help from another Python dev with experience in Django, an IT project manager, or a software consultant.
Wondering what questions can be asked during the interview? Here are some of our favorites.
To make your web product’s development the most efficient and effective, remember to hire a Django developer who will fit your company and project as much as possible. Things to consider are:
Even the best Django developers can’t handle the whole project on their own. You’ll most probably also need front-end developers (potentially working with React), an IT project manager, and a product owner. Data scientists and web designers might also come in handy.
How to hire all these important people in the most efficient way? Contact us at Ideamotive. We run a unique network of top IT talents from all over the world looking for new opportunities. After you get in touch with us, we will discuss with you your exact requirements and connect you with a tailored selection of the best people we know.
Start growing your team with us today.
Execute your vision with trusted and battle-tested Django developers perfectly suited to your business needs.