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Talk to our advisor about your exact needs, product specifics, and team dynamics. The more we know at this step, the better the future match will be.
Based on the interview, we will shortlist data scientists best suited for your needs.
We will onboard the talent and take care of all payments, insurance, reporting, and other dull processes. There is also a 7 days money-back guarantee after the project's kick-off.
We’ve been extremely satisfied. We work with multiple partners, but they’re our main supplier because of the quality of their work.
Håkon Årøen
Co-founder & CTO of Memcare
Ideamotive has a huge pool of talent. Don’t just settle for someone: find a person who understands your project and has the competencies you need.
Julian Peterson
President, Luminate Enterprises
They understand and navigate the industry to deliver an outcome that will truly stand out. Despite a heavily saturated market, they’ve delivered creative solutions that I haven’t seen before.
Adam Casole-Buchanan
President, Rierra INC
They are very flexible, providing a team of developers on short notice and scaling the size as needed. Their team meets tight deadlines, including some that only give them a few hours to do the work.
Sylvain Bernard
Event Manager, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
AICrowd: Taking care of a YCombinator Alumnus code
How have we improved the quality of the code, reduced technical debt and enhanced the platform security of an AI marketplace?
VUniverse: body leasing for an innovative streaming service
How our talent helped create an efficient recommendation system using graph data science.
They have been able to complete everything that we threw at them so far both fast and economically. We have been completely satisfied with the quality of their work in that regard.
Monica Brady, COO of VUniverse
AMLD: Building an event app for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
"Applied Machine Learning Days" is one of the largest ML & AI events in Europe, Learn, how we helped to make it happen.
They are very flexible, providing a team of developers on short notice and scaling the size as needed. Their team meets tight deadlines, including some that only give them a few hours to do the work.
Sylvain Bernard, event manager at EPFL
Allmedica: genetic algorithms as a key to the happiness of doctors and patients
How did we optimize the work of the medical clinic network, eliminate "empty slots" in doctors' work and increase profits?
Enhance your company's decision-making mechanisms. By leveraging the expertise of top-tier data scientists, you can devise strategies and new trajectories for your business that are rooted in data, superseding mere instinct.
Preempt market fluctuations and shifts before they occur. Through the application of advanced machine learning algorithms, data scientists can predict future trends accurately and suggest an actionable roadmap.
Safeguard your customers and keep your invaluable data inaccessible to malicious entities. Data scientists can identify potential vulnerabilities in your existing cybersecurity infrastructure, enabling swift rectifications.
Provide tailor-made promotions and content that drive sales. Assisted by data scientists, you can develop models that understand your customers' needs and provide recommendations on how to deepen their connection with your brand.
In today's business landscape, nearly every aspect can be converted into data and scrutinized by specialists. The influence of data science is vast, impacting all business areas, including marketing, sales, HR, and software development, such as AI-driven systems like ChatGPT. No sector is immune from being quantified and influenced by data. Professionally constructed machine learning algorithms can assist medical patients in comprehending their health status or help bank customers examine their expenditures. However, businesses generally utilize data science for actions like:
Furthermore, thanks to technological progress, we don't perceive data as merely a descriptor of the past or present. In reality, the real strength lies in how data can assist in future forecasting.
As data became a prevalent trend, businesses shifted their focus from 'why employ data scientists?' to 'how can we hire data scientists?'. We've already answered the first query — it's time to answer the second one, which is more crucial, as data scientists are now constantly in demand, and locating one that perfectly suits your business can be challenging.
Data scientists work on multiple fields related to data in order to deliver the best possible predictions for the business they work for. Their job responsibilities might differ depending on multiple factors, such as what other people are included in the data team (we delve into this in the next section of our guide) and the company's current needs.
However, data scientists most often…
To fully understand the role of data scientists, it's crucial to differentiate them from data analysts and data engineers. These three terms are sometimes used interchangeably, which is inappropriate.
Unlike data scientists, data analysts typically don't build machine learning or other sophisticated data-related models. They usually analyze data provided to them by others, often from a single source, to gain new insights into existing problems. On the other hand, data scientists use machine learning and other relevant technologies to predict the future. To do so, they incorporate data from multiple, often unrelated, sources into their work.
What about data engineers? These individuals mine data from various sources and construct pipelines to deliver this data to those who will later incorporate it into their research, such as data analysts or data scientists. If there are no dedicated data engineers at the company, data scientists may mine data themselves.
When you want to hire data scientists, you should first and foremost think about whether they have the skills to deliver the results you need. Beware of data analysts who apply for the job — many of them might not have the hard skills needed for a data scientist role. What are those skills?
Although the job of a data scientist is surely a very technical one, a set of specific soft skills also comes in handy. They support not only the efficiency and quality of one’s work but also have a great impact on team collaboration and innovation.
What soft skills should you be specifically looking for when you plan to hire data scientists?
Best data scientists are usually graduates (often with a Master’s degree) in fields like computer science, statistics, maths, physics, or various types of engineering. They usually make use of the time in academia by taking courses on topics like:
When you want to hire data scientists, it’s also important to assess their experience. Focus on the candidates who have already worked in a business environment (instead of only in academia) and even more specifically on those who cooperated with companies within your industry.
To assess the skills and knowledge of your data scientist candidate, running a technical interview is a must. Such an interview can take different forms, e.g. a set of questions to be answered or a task that can be completed by the candidate at home. Whatever is your choice, if you are not a data expert yourself, you should ask a specialist to help you with running the interview. This can be either another data scientist or data-focused software consultant/IT Project Manager.
What kind of questions can be asked during a data scientist job interview?
When you hire data scientists, you take the first step to improving decision-making and innovating your business. The level of this improvement can be even higher if you decide to build an even broader data team, one that includes experts like AI developers, data engineers, or GAN networks experts.
Whatever type of tech talent you need, Ideamotive can supply. We run a leading network of IT professionals looking for new career opportunities. From ML and AI experts to web developers and IT project managers, we can connect you with the right people based on your company profile, product specification, and any other requirements you might have.
Get in touch with us today to build a tailored team of IT experts.
Execute your vision with trusted and battle-tested Data Scientists perfectly suited to your business needs.